The students out there know what I'm talking about. Two essays due in so my house has never been more tidy or organised, I have about three meals prepared in advance, and I'm doing this meme. What? A girl needs some down time. Mum, you know you do it too, don't look at me like that!
1. What was the most recent tea you drank?I keep a box of St John's Wort tea in a cupboard at work. I sit in front of a computer a lot, and I find the St John's Wort helps fend off any lurky migraines.
2. What vegan forums do you post/lurk on? If so, what is your username? Spill!The VFF is mah BFF. My username is Lelly because I am the worlds most original person.
3. You have to have tofu for dinner, and it has be an Italian dish. What comes to mind first?I just had some! I marinated tofu in a tomatoey basil mixture, baked it, and had it on top of a pasta bake.
4. How many vegan blogs do you read on an average day?I just checked my sage feeder thing and apparently 27. But then that's not all vegan blogs, that includes xkcd and other webcomics.
5. Besides your own, what is the most recent one you’ve read?I was just reading the
Sisters Vegan, which is where I got the idea to procrastinate with this meme. I also happen to think they're adorable.
6. If you could hang out with a vegan blogger that you haven’t met, who would it be, and what would you do?Ida from
Yummy Vegan Dinners. First we'd perfect our yorkshire pudding recipe, and then we'd use this knowledge to take over the world.
7. If you had to base your dinners for a week around one of the holy trilogy – tofu, seitan or tempeh, which would it be?Tofu tofu tofu!
8. If you had to use one in a fight, which would it be?I reckon the frozen blocks of tempeh they sell in the health store could do some damage.
9. Name 3 meals you’d realistically make with that tough protein of choice! Battered tempeh, battered tempeh, and battered tempeh.
10. What’s a recipe in vegan blogland that you’ve been eyeing?I wanna try another one of Bryannas roasts soon. I've only made on once and she has so many different kinds. Plus it's that time of year when you want a nice warm oven and a massive lump of seitan isn't it?
11. Do you own any clothing with vegan messages/brands on them?Uh yah. I have the red and black SSOV, the brown v neck one. A green herbivore zipper, a brown herbivore zipper. Umm, I have lots more but I can't remember.
12. Have you made your pilgrimage to the 'vegan mecca' yet? (Portland, duh)*sob* No! I do plan to though, honest to goodness I do. Althought I hear the Illadelph is giving PDX a run for it's money, so I may have to plan a trip out and compare them both. Purely in the interests of science... Or something.
13. What age did you first go vegan? Did it stick?17 or 18, and of course it stuck! If you're not vegan now, you never were, Brah!
14. What is the worst vegan meal you’ve had? Who cooked it?Oooh! Recently when I went away to the middle of nowhere with uni. One night I was given a baked potato with boiled potato as topping and some inexplicable birdseed sprinkled on it.
15. What made you decide to blog?Well, as you all know, I'm really quite awesome, and I felt the need to share this awesomeness with you, my faithful readers.
16. What are three of your favorite meals to make? New Farm mac and cheese, stuffed shells, and stuffed tofu with hasselback potatoes.
17. What dish would you bring to a vegan Thanksgiving-themed potluck?Probably one of Bryannas roasts, or the aforementioned New Farm mac and cheese.
18. Where is your favorite vegan meal at a restaurant? How many times have you ordered it?Ooooh.... The Big Mono burger from Mono followed by some 13th Note cheesecake. I can't choose between them and you can't make me. Nuh uh.
16. What do you think the best chain to dine as a vegan is?Ugh...Scream pubs around these parts are okay, but it depends from pub to pub.
17. My kitchen needs a………Breadmaker! I've always wanted one. It most definitely does not need a deep fryer. No siree bob.
18. This vegetable is not allowed in my kitchen…..!I welcome all vegetables graciously, but that evil little fungus dude the mushroom is banned. Would you like some extra slime with your meal? Try the mushrooms!
19. What's for dinner tonight?More of the pasta bake and tofu that I made earlier.
20.Add a question here!Write a critique of Robin Dunbar's theory on the evolution of language
. Go on, you know you wanna write my essay for me.