Ahem, yes. What I mean by this is that there is not a recipe on earth that I don't feel the need to change. I don't care if you had forty five million testers working 25 hours a day trying your recipes, I will change it. Sorry bout that. Yeah, so remember how I wasn't too sure about the white bean aioli thing from Vcon? Well, not one to waste food (or eat something I don't really like), i went back and played with it. Now what did I go and do but change a perfectly classy food into something completely tacky. Ha. Anyhoo, you know those gross sandwich filler things that come in various shades of cream, and a whole manner of horrible flavours? Well I turned it into that. Okay, so this one tastes good and I suppose is slightly classier than those shop bought ones, but still...
Anyhoo, here it is on some pumpkin seed and oat rye bread things:

1 comment:
I'm the same way. I don't think I've ever made a recipe exactly as printed. I have this compulsive need to taste and tweak as I go along since I normally cook by taste anyway (thus my lack of recipes on my blog).
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